Who is a Nabi?

Question: Who is a Nabi?

Answer: A Nabi is a pious servant of Allah who conveys the commands of Allah to the people.
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Which Sahaabi (Companion of Nabi Muhammad ﷺ) has the highest rank?

Question: Which Sahaabi (Companion of Nabi Muhammad ﷺ) has the highest rank?

Answer: Abu Bakr (Radiyallahu 'Anhu) has the highest rank amongst the Sahaba (Radiyallahu 'Anhum).

Ref: (Abu Dawud: 4628)
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Where was the first verse of the Qur'an revealed to our Nabi ﷺ?

Question: Where was the first verse of the Qur'an revealed to our Nabi ﷺ?

Answer: The first verse of the Qur'an was revealed to our Nabi ﷺ in the cave of Hira.

Ref: (Asseeratun Nabawiyyah Libni Hishaam: 2/70)

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Which Arab tribe did our Nabi ﷺ belong to?

Question: Which Arab tribe did our Nabi ﷺ belong to?

Answer: Our Nabi ﷺ belonged to the Quraysh tribe.

Ref: (Tirmidhi: 3606)
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How many juz (sections) are there in the Qur'an?

Question: How many juz (sections) are there in the Qur'an?

Answer: There are thirty juz in the Qur'an.

Ref: (Taareekhul Qur'anil Kareem: 1/192)

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What did our Nabi ﷺ do in the cave of Hira?

Question: What did our Nabi ﷺ do in the cave of Hira?

Answer: Our Nabi ﷺ used to worship Allah in the cave of Hira.

Ref: (Bukhari: 3)

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On what day did our Nabi ﷺ enter the city of Madeenah?

Question: On what day did our Nabi ﷺ enter the city of Madeenah?

Answer: Our Nabi ﷺ entered the city of Madeenah on a Friday.

Ref: (Asseeratun Nabawiyyah Libni Hishaam: 3/22)

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In which month did our Nabi ﷺ make Hijrah?

Question: In which month did our Nabi ﷺ make Hijrah?

Answer: Our Nabi ﷺ made the Hijrah in the month of Rabee'ul Awwal

Ref: (Asseeratun Nabawiyyah Libni Katheer: 2/232)

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Where did the Muslims go to in the first Hijrah?

Question: Where did the Muslims go to in the first Hijrah?

Answer: The Muslims went to Abyssinia in the first Hijrah.

Ref: (Asseeratun Nabawiyyah Libni Hishaam: 2/164)

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When did Islam spread in Madeenah?

Question: When did Islam spread in Madeenah?

Answer: Islam spread in Madeenah two years before the Hijrah.

Ref: (Seeratul Halabiyah: 2/499)

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